Alright so A LOT has happened (as usual) since my last post. I still suck at blogging I guess. Here's a quick recap.
WE WON NSAC DISTRICTS! AMAZING. amazing. amazing. We got to go to San Diego and compete and meet some really sweet people in advertising. I would have like to have more time to explore San Diego but it was a once in a lifetime thing and I still can't believe its happening!
I ended up drunkenly talking to a chick about a job and a week later she was calling me with a job opportunity! So now I work at Cellular Communications, a premium Verizon Wireless retailer. So thats kinda cool. I sell cell phones and pretend like I know how to fix cell phones (even though I absolutely DO NOT).
After a couple REALLY crazy interviews I ended up getting an internship...and then I got screwed out of it.
School was VERY crazy all the way to the end and I can't believe I survived it.
Then I quit cash wise because I'm sick of it.
So now I have a summer that is WIDE OPEN and I only work 30 hours a week! I literally had no idea what to do with myself the first 3 weeks that school was out. I realized that I have been extremely busy for the last 3 years and that I don’t know what to do with my spare time! I usually just try to catch up on sleep. So I slept. That got boring after a while.
I started an "inspiration file" on my computer and started strolling through blogs and filling that baby up! I have done a couple side projects. Decided that I wanted to draw once a day. Listened to music. I GOT A NOOK! So I have been reading a lot. I went to my cabin over my birthday with my good friend Bollboll. That was great. I have been going out a lot with my Cash Wise crew which has been fabulous. I have kinda been getting back to being my weird self with my very off beat sense of humor. So I am feeling very refreshed and happy with all my spare time! All though I am still kinda looking forward to the school year and getting all crazy again. And having to be creative all the time, even if it is SUPER tiring.
As I have said in earlier posts, nutrition fascinates me. I have been trying desperately to give up sugar. I KNOW that I need to and it's my new years res to give it up for real by the end of the year. Well its really hard. Especially when you like to be drunk from time to time. Okay so anyway I was thinking about how it would make sense to me if people were just supposed to eat what they ate from the beginning. That is probably what our body is designed for right? So I was researching a bit and found this movement of "Paleo Nutrition" which is exactly that! So I have been trying to ease my way into eating the "Paleo way" for the rest of my life. It's been a big obsession of mine as of late.
Just a cool fact that I found out when looking into Paleo that I think explains it all is the fact that we were healthy, tall, had great teeth for the majority of our existence as humans. Cancer, diabetes, autoimmune, and heart disease was not ever an issue until the agricultural revolution! So basically, ever since we started eating grains, rice, and sugar is when our bodies went to shit! And ever since this whole "low fat, high carb, starve yourself" thing has been the response to all these diseases, the problems have gotten worse! So anyway I am now brainwashed into the Paleo way and I think that it is going to keep me alive for longer and feeling great. I want to shout this from the rooftops! Especially to the people I know with these problems. Especially autoimmune. But most people think I'm crazy and that they could never do it. Or that its now "worth it" to stop eating poison. BUT I'm going to do it.
Uuuummmmmmm I think thats all. Here is some stuff from my inspiration file.